Wednesday 19 September 2007

Events and life..

It seems like there is not enough time in the day to manage all the games I have created and right now the pressure is on as we hold our first charity event and the tickets are going slowly. I was lying awake in bed going over who else I could ask in the next few days leading up to sunday 23rd Sept and decided to get up and write to more people and update my blog. So many bold plans and trying not to be in scarcity mode right now.

I have begun to ask people I don't know which is a triumph but maybe too little too late. I am finding that I am meeting new people in my town which is great and it is funny the different reactions that I get from 'I don't like children or charities' (do you think he really meant it??) to 'I would love to but I'm out of town' to 'I will have five of my friends come along'. Thank goodness for the latter.

I have two more people on my team now, Emma and Kate, both young mums who have just completely taken on creating more events and being a real partnership for what we are doing. Thank you both you gorgeous girls!!

We are planning a 'Cycling for Children' event which I hope could become a legacy from the ride, with children cycling for other children in need. We have approached our local school and the council and local police have been really helpful. This first event will be held at Victoria Park in Leamington and will involve parents and children cycling together.

Friends and family in the UK, USA and NZ are taking on being part of the Team as well and it is fabulous to create it with them as well. I really want people to have fun and not experience their support as hard work. I have found that by having a team we are enjoying ourselves meeting up each week to plan our next steps.

In the midst of all this training and raising funds Julian and I have set a wedding date which is just wonderful and so on the 29th December we will be getting married at Kenilworth Castle. My family have been extraordinary and within 24 hours of being told they had booked their tickets to fly over and be with us. I won't bore you with all of it but more and more I can see when I create inspiring big games people want to participate and they show up as being generous and extraordinary.

And thats what there is to remember, acknowledge whats been accomplished so far and continue to play full out for miracles and magic - so that means back out tomorrow sharing with people, finding more people who don't like children or charities and many more who love the opportunity to make a difference.

I think I'll be able to sleep now and if you're around this sunday we having tapas and salsa dancing, Flamenco guitar with Matt Hernandez at Catalan Restaurant, on Jury Street,Warwick, 2-5pm, tickets are £20 and all profits to The International Childcare Trust.

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